Friday, 13 July 2007

Trading trading trading a kicker for a kicker

This is not the first trade I've been offered, but it is the first one I've actually had to consider. As you can guess, it's a straight swap of two kickers - I've been offered Robbie Gould in exchange for Adam Vinatieri. I had Gould last year, and he was pretty fucking awesome for someone I vaguely remember picking up in one of the last rounds of the live draft (or possibly in free agency after the draft, I'm not sure), so if I had anyone else lining up at kicker I'd be happy to make the deal. However, this is Adam Vinatieri - he won a playoff game by himself last year, he has possibly the best offense in the league pushing him forward and he's nigh-automatic on field goals. If this were a keeper or a dynasty league, I'd obviously have to take Vinatieri's advanced years into consideration (did you know he's been around for twelve years? I thought he was younger than that), but it's not. It doesn't help matters any that the team attempting to make the trade with me - Indy Shredders, although these names will mean nothing to you - will be in my division.

Hence, I said no. It's just trading a #1 kicker for a #1 kicker, and I can't see any point in it. Unfortunately, my hand had something else to say in the matter - it chose to accept the trade instead. This is probably because I seem to have no hand-eye coordination any more. The trade is going through a voting period, so assuming the Indy Shredders player doesn't cancel it like I asked him to (although why he would I'm not sure, I've had misplaced faith in internet peoples before), I have to rely on the other players to vote against it. Goddammit, I might be slightly retarded.

I mentioned another trade above, the first one I was offered, and this one was easy to say no to. I was offered D.J. Hackett and Vernand Morency in exchange for Larry Fitzgerald, and even without knowing anything about the Second Letter Saints' halfback and wide receiver depth situation you should be able to tell that's not a deal anyone wants to take. Giving up a stud receiver like Fitty for a pair of #3 players at best? That's lulzworthy at best. And yes, my team is named the Second Letter Saints - it makes sense to me.

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